Share and Money Management 0.18devel
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 migration_db_v2_v3.pyConvert data to new DB and object structure
 migration_db_v4_v5.pyConvert data to new DB and object structure
 migration_db_v7_v8.pyConvert data to new DB and object structure
 __init__.pyMain file of the SMM gui
 config.pyFunction to handle configuration settings
 controls.pyAll individual controls
 dialogs.pyAll dialogs
 helper.pyFunctions and classes to simplify recurring actions
 images.pyImage store
 log.pySMM specific functions and classes to record and print out log messages
 mako_filters.pyAdditional filters for Mako templete engine
 panel.pyAdaption of automatically generated wx.Notebook code
 reports.pyCreate reports about the portfolio
 UITrade.pyImplementation of the trade dialog
 __init__.pySummarise all stuff in one point
 base.pyBasic functionality to handle finance data provided by public resources
 onvista.pyFunctionality to query the finance database of OnVista
 raiffeisen.pyFunctionality to query the finance database of Raiffeisen Bankengruppe
 vwd.pyFunctionality to query the finance database of VWD AG
 yahoo.pyFunctionality to query the Yahoo finance database
 __init__.pySummarise all stuff in one point
 database.pyContains general database stuff
 db_setup.pyFunctions and data to set up a fresh database
 math.pyMathematical functions
 objects.pyAll data classes using STORM
 operations.pyHigh level functions to do something
 test_database.pyTest database related stuff like creating of objects
 test_gui.pyTest proper processing of masked for maskededit controls
 test_maskededit.pyTest proper processing of masked for maskededit controls
 test_math.pyTest mathematical functions
 test_misc.pyTest miscellaneous functions
 test_objects.pyTest database related stuff like creating of objects
 setup.pySetup script to distribute SMM
 smmgui.pyStarts the GUI only
 smmgui.pywStarts the GUI on Windows
 smmshell.pyA simple customised Python shell to act in
 test.pyRuns all tests