Share and Money Management 0.18devel
Classes | Namespaces | Functions | Variables File Reference

Functions and classes to simplify recurring actions. More...


class  gui.helper.ReverseDict
 A dictionary which can look up values by key, and keys by value. More...


namespace  gui
namespace  gui.helper
 Functions to support GUI functions e.g.


def gui.helper.formatShareNotesShort (share, max_len=25)
 Returns additional note to a share - short formatted. More...
def gui.helper.formatShareNotesLong (share)
 Returns additional note to a share - long formatted. More...
def gui.helper.formatCurrencySign (currency)
 Returns the sign of a currency or an empty string. More...
def gui.helper.formatCurrencyShort (currency)
 Returns the currency sign or code or an empty string. More...
def gui.helper.formatCurrencyLong (currency)
 Returns the formatted currency or an empty string. More...
def gui.helper.formatDate (date, fmt="%d.%m.%Y")
 Returns the formatted date or an empty string. More...
def gui.helper.formatDecimal (value, places=2, grouping=True)
 Returns the formatted decimal value or an empty string. More...
def gui.helper.formatDuration (duration)
 Returns the given duration formatted. More...
def gui.helper.formatDailyQuoteEvent (quote)
 Returns the DailyQuote.event formatted. More...
def gui.helper.formatExchange (exchange)
 Returns the formatted exchange or an empty string. More...
def gui.helper.formatMoney (value, currency, places=3, grouping=True)
 Returns the formatted decimal value incl. More...
def gui.helper.formatPercent (value, places=3)
 Returns the formatted decimal value incl. More...
def gui.helper.formatPosition (pos)
 Returns the formatted position or an empty string. More...
def gui.helper.formatShare (share)
 Returns the formatted share or an empty string. More...
def gui.helper.formatShareShort (share)
 Returns the formatted share or an empty string. More...
def gui.helper.formatShareKind (share)
 Returns the type of the share or an empty string. More...
def gui.helper.formatTransactionKind (transaction)
 Returns the transaction type as a string or an empty string. More...
def gui.helper.moneyfmt (value, places=2, curr="", sep=",", dp=".", pos="", neg="-", trailneg="")
 Convert Decimal to a money formatted string. More...
def gui.helper.wxdate2pydate (wxdate)
 Convert a date from wxDateTime to Python More...
def gui.helper.pydate2wxdate (pydate)
 Convert a date from Python to wxDateTime. More...
def gui.helper.formatTransactionElements (transaction)
 Format all attributes of a Transaction for showing and sorting. More...
def gui.helper.setlocale ()
 Set localisation to German. More...


 gui.helper.RE_WHITESPACES = re.compile(r"\s{2,}|[\r\n]")
 Precompiled RE pattern to match two or more white spaces or single linebreak characters. More...
 gui.helper.DAYS_PER_YEAR = decimal.Decimal("365.25")
 Number of days in a year. More...

Detailed Description

Functions and classes to simplify recurring actions.